Simple FM Tools for AutoCAD
Simple FM Tools
& Simple FM Tools PRO
is an AutoCAD plug-in for AutoCAD users working with floor plan drawings. The toolset palette also includes functionality to aid in the process of
preparing AutoCAD drawings for a Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) software application.
Available in the Standard 3 palette toolset, or the PRO toolset, which includes the standard 3 palettes (outlined below), and the additional 4th fmDATA palette (outlined below).

The toolset palette includes:
Designed to help you room number an entire floor plan drawing in minutes!
- Insert numbers that are automatically sequenced, and that can include an alphanumeric prefix and/or suffix. No more tedious, time consuming, copy/paste/edit text!
- Automatically add a prefix and/or a suffix to all selected single-line text in AutoCAD.
- Automatically copy a list of all visible single-line text on a drawing to the clipboard, to be pasted to EXCEL or other file type.
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Designed for error proofing AutoCAD drawings that will be imported into any CAFM system.
- Tools to audit AutoCAD polyline & text entities for errors before bringing your AutoCAD drawing into a CAFM system.
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- Add a data tag to your AutoCAD polylines capturing the room number, the polyline area, and the polyline entity handle.
- Publish an attributed DWF file that shows the room number, area, and entity handle, when hovering over a polyline.
- The attributed DWF file can be uploaded to the Evolve FM Facilities Management software application, or used with the free Autodesk Design Review DWF Viewer.
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fmDATA: (PRO version of the tool only)
- Import Text Data into AutoCAD. Multi-line text will be automatically placed in the centroid of polylines using data imported from a .txt.file.
- Import Hatch Data into AutoCAD. Polylines will be automatically hatched & color-coded, based on data imported from a .txt file. An associated legend key for the hatch will be automatically generated.
- Polyline Tag Data Additional data can be added to polyline tags. Tag data can be copied to the clipboard to be pasted to EXCEL or other file type.
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Who is using Simple FM Tools?
- Facility managers
- AutoCAD users
- Architects
CAFM system implementers
License Types
License Key. A license key enables Simple FM Tool's full functionaliy. $295 for a Standard license, and $795 for a PRO license.
Contact us to purchase.
Tag mode. Free. An unlicensed version of the Standard toolset for Evolve FM Users who do not have a licensed version of the tool, but need the fmTAG functionality to create an attributed DWF.
The fmTAG palette is enabled (with limitations), and the fmLABEL and fmAUDIT palettes are disabled.
Visit the
Autodesk App Store
for the latest version of the tool.
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows
- AutoCAD 2021 or above
- AutoCAD Architecture 2021 or above
Visit the
Autodesk App Store
for latest version of the tool.
You can download the Simple FM Tools User Guide here.
We're Here to Help
Simple Solutions FM
offers facilities management software &
service solutions that will help you make informed decisions about the space you
occupy and the facilities you manage.
Please contact Simple Solutions FM with technical
questions, a free consultation, or for a product demonstration and pricing
Call us today - 978.263.9911
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